Desklets for linux mint 17
Desklets for linux mint 17

desklets for linux mint 17

The old dual panel interface was what every user liked and wanted. For the longest time, Ubuntu was a distribution entrenched in GNOME and GNOME was at version 2.x. Now we return to the world of Linux and can see the very same pattern. Of course, over time, those that responded with outrage, grew accustomed to the new take on the UI and moved on.


All of a sudden, software developers found themselves in need of modernizing their designs. Hardware innovation surpassed software design and development and the touchscreen became commonplace. That simplicity was so powerful, nearly every user interface adopted it…even if only in part. For decades, Windows functioned with an ideology of simplicity.

desklets for linux mint 17

To answer that question, let us consider a path taken by the very proprietary solution, Windows. Why would you want to choose Linux Mint out of the hundreds of Linux distributions? When other distributions (such as Ubuntu, Elementary OS Freya, and Fedora) have adopted more modern takes on the user interface, why would you want to opt for a desktop operating system firmly entrenched in the past? It is those new users I would like to address. With it’s latest release, 17.1 “Rebecca”, Linux Mint retains all of that which is familiar and beloved by its long time followers and adds enough polish to help attract new users. With just the slightest of tweaks, Mint has gone boldly into that good night while keeping a foot deeply planted in the familiar. While other distributions march into the shiny, touch-friendly world that is the future, Mint remains grounded in what has worked for decades. Linux Mint is a special kind of Linux distribution-one that has gone a very long way to hold true to the form, function, and spirit that has guided Linux for a very long time.

Desklets for linux mint 17